Thursday, February 25, 2016

Thursday, February 25

So God made the sky, dividing the vapor above from the water below...
Genesis 1:7

If you had asked me before 1983 if I often looked at the sky, I would have responded in the negative. It was only after George and I returned from a month in Australia and I seemed comfortable again that I realized my disorientation had been the unfamiliar sky.
In 1987 when we returned for a three month stint, one of the first things we did was get library cards. We checked out books on astronomy. Once I became familiar with the Southern Cross and could find familiar stars from our Northern Hemisphere sky (though in different locations) I was fine. I seemed to understand where I was.
I’m reminded of Psalm 8:3-4 - When I look at the sky, which you have made, at the moon and the stars, which you set in their places--what is man, that you think of him; mere man, that you care for him, and verse 9 - O Lord, our Lord, your greatness is seen in all the world!”
I am trying to remember, and to record in my journal, times when I clearly needed to be in touch with God to understand where I was and what was happening around me. Life’s journey takes us down many paths. Aren’t we blessed to know that our God is always there?

Creator God, thank you for the gift of curiosity that you've given me, for the sense of adventure that enriches me, and for the
promise of everlasting life that sustains me. Amen.

Pauline Davidson

from the 1995 Lenten Devotional

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