Sunday, March 12, 2017

Second Sunday, March 12

 I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the LORD!”
Psalm 122:1

Worshiping with Children
On a recent Sunday I unexpectedly spotted our four-month old grandson, Jason and his parents from the back of the sanctuary seated together with my father and husband in the pews. Our daughter-in-law generously handed me the baby as I slipped in on the end of the row. On this day I experienced one of the greatest joys of worshiping with family. We responded to the call to worship, greeted one another in peace and joined together in singing the opening hymn, “Sing Glory to the Name of God.” You may recognize the tune as “From All That Dwells Below the Skies.” In this hymn the word “Alleluia” is repeated seven times in each stanza. Holding Jason looking attentively around the sanctuary, he smiled and snuggled contentedly in as we sang all five stanzas. It was a special and sacred moment to be treasured.
Sometime during the singing, I had a flashback of yet another such moment singing the very same hymn just a year and a half earlier with our then two-year old granddaughter standing on the pew next to me.  Moments after singing with her, we walked through our front hallway as we headed to the Sunday School rooms when she stopped, pointed to one of the stained glass windows and exclaimed, “Alleluia!”
Our Presbyterian Book of Common Worship says in the preface: “The community of faith, gathered in response to God’s call, is formed in its worship. Worship is the principal influence that shapes our faith, and is the most visible way we express the faith.”  I am grateful for the gift of these two holy moments planted in my memory, engaging my senses and reminding me that as we gather with people of all ages,  both the time and the space are sacred, and our participation becomes a kind of spiritual practice. Our songs of praise, prayers of confession and petition all contribute to the spiritual formation of our families in ways that we may never know.  The presence of Christ in Word and Sacrament seeps into our very being as we gather in community and provides touch-points to invite us into a deeper experience with God and one another.

Loving God, may our practice of worship open our hearts and minds and carry us out to serve you with hope, courage and love that never ends. Amen.

Cindy Merten

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