Thursday, March 9, 2017

Thursday, March 9

Ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you.
Matthew 7:7

My work requires frequent air travel.  Flying is a high-tech endeavor.  Commercial aircraft are complex machines guided by sensors and backup systems that boggle the mind. The process of arrival and departure is a carefully coordinated series of steps that rely on scanners, detectors, beepers and alarms.  
With all that is high tech in the flying experience, I am always surprised by one small step at the end of each journey that remains low tech.  At the end of the flight when the jet bridge has been extended and the passengers gather in the aisles awaiting their escape, the flight steward stands poised at the door awaiting an “all clear” signal before opening the door.
Finally, the signal arrives.  It is not a radio signal, scanner or flashing light.  There are no special sensors indicating that it is safe to open the door. The signal is a simple knock on the outside of the plane door by the gate agent.  The steward flings the door open and the gate agent and steward greet one another with a smile and words of welcome. Apparently, no technology improves upon this simple human exchange. Knock and the door will be opened for you.
In the busyness of life, it is hard to remember that God wants this kind of simple, direct connection with me. Today’s scripture reminds me of this connection.
I have countless books on prayer. A daily email arrives in my inbox with a scripture reading and a prayer. A meditation app on my iPhone provides a beautiful image and timer to support my prayer practice. At the end of the day, none of these things matter in my relationship with God. What God desires from me is simple personal connection. An ongoing conversation in which I share the contents of my heart with God and then sit quietly, listening for God’s return knock at the door of my soul. “I am here. Open the door and let me in.”

Ever present God, help me remember that the simple yearning of my heart is enough for you. Help me peel away the layers of stuff that get in the way of our simple connection.

Susan Beaumont

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