Monday, April 10, 2017

Monday, April 10

But a Samaritan while traveling … saw the one who had been robbed … and was moved with pity...
Luke: 10: 33-35

The Good Samaritan

During the past year, I've experienced the GOOD SAMARITAN again and again, and again:  attempting to place a bag of groceries on the rear seat of my car, I was blown down by a strong gust of wind. Two good Samaritans came to my aid, helped me into the driver's seat and placed my purchases on the back seat of my car.
While raking leaves in my front yard, a neighbor walking past insisted on completing the task.  Her help was greatly appreciated.
As I was placing a suet cake in a cage for birds, I fell down in several inches of snow. After much effort, another neighbor came to my rescue.
Indeed these were Good Samaritans who showed mercy.

Dear Lord, help me be a Good Samaritan to others in need of mercy.

Pat Lindroth

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