Tuesday, March 3, 2009

[LENTEN DEVOTIONAL] Tuesday, March 3


Matthew 6:28-29,34  Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not clothed like one of these.  So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today's trouble is enough for today.

Six years ago last fall, my mother moved from her home of 63 years to our home. It was difficult to sort items she would move, items for the rummage sale, items for other family members.  Grandchildren made it easier by telling which of her possessions they would like for their own homes. The dining room furniture moved to Dallas while the bedroom set went to Memphis along with the wonderful cookware that cooked every meal of my life when I was "at home."

Ultimately, we loaded a U-Haul for Michigan. Contents included a small cigar box decorated with the lining papers from envelopes made about 90 years ago, when she was a child. Her ancient Christmas cactus was nestled into a corner of the back seat of my car.

If you ask her, she will say she has had the cactus for 50 years. I will remind her that it is older than that – given by her sister-in-law before my birth! She nurtured it for all of my lifetime. Some years it would show its blossoms at Christmastime; other years it would show a flower or two at Easter, just to remind us that it didn't have a schedule we managed. The finest shower of blooms was photographed along with my daughter 38 Christmases ago. There were no blooms the year we moved the plant to Michigan, but a few weeks before that following Easter, I saw a tiny bud on the end of a branch. The day before Easter, the bud erupted into one perfect bloom.

This year, Mother has moved to St. Anne's Mead, but the Christmas cactus is spending the winter in my kitchen. It bloomed at Thanksgiving, again at Christmas, and then in the snowy, blustery January! Now there are more buds! It is always a reminder that God manages. We may expect blooms at Christmas, but Easter flowers are also a blessing.

God of grace, shower us with your blessings and remind us that we don't need to worry as long as we are seeking your kingdom.  We pray in Jesus' name. Amen.

Marilyn Donnelly

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