Saturday, March 28, 2009

[LENTEN DEVOTIONAL] Saturday, March 28


Hebrews 11:1  Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

John 20:29 
You believe because you can see; happy are those who have not seen and yet believe.


The Easter Challenge
by Joyce Rupp

            Every year it happens:
            earth shakes her sleepy head,
            still a bit wintered and dull,
            and feels new life stirring.

            Every year cocoons give up their treasures,
            fresh shoots push through brown leaves,
            seemingly dead branches shine with green,
            and singing birds find their way home.

            Every year we hear the stories:
            empty tomb, surprised grievers,
            runners with news and revelation,
            unexpected encounters,
            conversations on the road,
            tales of nets filling with fish,
            and breakfast on a seashore.

            And every year
            the dull and dead in us
            meets our Easter challenge:
            to be open to the unexpected,
            to believe beyond our security,
            to welcome God in every form,
            and trust in our own greening.


Prayer:  Dear God, each spring nature reminds us of your gifts of new light, new life, and new possibilities.  Help us to gladly accept and share these gifts and opportunities, renewing our lives and your world.  Amen.

Mary Ann McDermott

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Friday, March 27, 2009

[LENTEN DEVOTIONAL] Friday, March 27


Matthew 21:21-22 
Jesus answered, "I assure you that if you believe and do not doubt, you will be able to do what I have done to this fig tree.  And not only this, but you will even be able to say to this hill, 'Get up and throw yourself in the sea,' and it will.  If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."


When I came across this scripture, I knew I needed to share my experience, because when I reflect on what happened I still am amazed by God's answer to my prayer. On April 29th, 2008, I sat by my Mom's bedside as she lay close to death.

I was praying to God that my Mom would know that she was going to heaven.  My Mom, who was a wonderful person, was unsure and afraid she would not go to heaven because she had doubts and had not frequented church for awhile.  I tried to assure her and stopped every minister, priest and yes even a rabbi to come in to calm her fears.

As I sat there watching her, an iridescent smoke came out of her mouth and swirled towards the ceiling then suddenly dissipated. No one else in the room had seen this miracle. Both my Mom and I had our prayers answered in a beautiful private moment with God. I was given the gift of watching her travel heaven bound.  Anything is possible if you believe.

Prayer: [Psalm 86:6-7] “Listen Lord to my prayer; hear my cries for help. I call to you in times of trouble because you answer my prayers.”  I believe  [Psalm 121:2-3,8]  “My help will come from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.  He will not let you fall; your protector is always awake. He will protect you as you come and go now and forever.”  Amen.

Heidi Wilkinson

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Thursday, March 26, 2009

[LENTEN DEVOTIONAL] Thursday, March 26


1 Corinthians 13:12 
For now we see in a mirror, dimly; but then, we will see face to face.

A God, and Yet a Man

A God, and yet a man?  A maid, and yet a mother?
Wit wonders what wit can conceive this?  Or the other?
A God, and can he die?  A dead man, can he live?
What wit can well reply?  What reason, reason give?
God, truth itself doth teach it;  Man’s wit sinks too far under,
by reason’s power to reach it.  Believe, and leave to wonder.
[Anonymous 16th Century English Text – Wit: n, understanding, intelligence, keen perception]

Trying to understand the ways of the world can be an impossible task.  The words of this 16th Century English text teach us of life’s paradoxology.  Few attempts to make things right are goals of some.  While others of us watch the unfolding of time to fine truths.  What is right for one is not necessarily right for the other.  I wonder how it will all be resolved.

Today I’m confused.  Hopefully tomorrow may bring understanding to this world of religious wars, unemployment, dishonesty and fear.  Many of us are doing our part, doing unto our neighbors as they would help us.  Though tenderness and understanding can calm today, how will tomorrows by faced?  If reasoning is the answer, give us the reasons to stamp out the grieving and fear.

Today, hoist me upon the carousel horse and I’ll spin a bit.  The reflective mirrors bring to my eyes smiles of laughter as the colored lights dance to the music.  Tomorrow is grim.  This recession, this circus, could whip us to new insights.  We just have to decide to open our eyes and minds as well as our hearts.
If the man’s and the woman’s wit has sunk too far, may reason bring it back to life?  There is a God, this Spirit, and this unknown, which watches and teaches us on our Earthly journey.  Anxiously waiting for the tranquil time; I believe that reason’s power will reach all of us and leave to wonder those moments yet to be experienced in this lifetime.

Prayer:  Grant that I gain an understanding to accept today and dream for tomorrow’s truths.  Amen.

Carla Lamphere

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

[LENTEN DEVOTIONAL] Wednesday, March 25

John 14:27  “Peace is what I leave with you; it is my own peace that I give you.  I do not give it as the world does.  Do not be worried and upset; do not be afraid.”

Psalm 46:10  Be still and know that I am God.

One cool gray October Sunday morning I left my hotel room, walked across a freeway overpass, and entered the Chicago Botanical Gardens.  I adjusted my I-pod earbuds and had about two hours to wander alone and just be.  No mission, no to-do list, no one to keep me company or entertain – a rare alone time, unstructured, unplanned, unhurried.
And what an unexpected blessing I experienced!  As I ambled from forest path to formal rose garden, down sculpted tree-lined avenues and pebble-covered alleys, I let the music of the FPC Set the Sun Dancing CD fill my head and drive away all other thoughts.  All worrying and planning and focused thinking seemed to turn off as I let the beauty of the gardens and the sweet music fill my senses.  I breathed deeply and gazed peacefully at distant vistas from the Japanese gardens.  Tiny blossoms and interesting branches caught my eye, and I paused to enjoy – but without feeling any of my usual urges to read labels on plants, or strike up conversations with passersby, or make notes about what I saw.
I used my little camera, taking countless pictures, as an extension of my own sight, a way to see more, to focus, to look more consciously, to see more clearly.  The act of taking the pictures helped me shut out the world around me and just be in the moment, alone, drifting, music playing, at peace.
That morning I was in a world by myself, content to just be, feel, see, breathe.  I marveled at God’s amazing and wonderful creation and just basked in the peace and beauty.  Those two hours felt holy, felt like worship.  As I reflect on that quiet ramble, I realize I need to take more time like that to lift my spirits, calm my worries, and experience a time of peace in a busy life and a stressful world.

Prayer:  Slow us down, Lord, until we can experience the music and the beauty that can restore our weary souls and bring us your peace. Amen.

Diane Falconer

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

[LENTEN DEVOTIONAL] Tuesday, March 24


Romans 8:28,38-39 
We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.  For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, … nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The other day I received an email about optical illusions. Here is one that got me thinking about the Easter hope we share:

If you look at the white parts you can read EVIL.  In today’s world it seems as if we are surrounded by inhumane violence, neglect, greed, despair and hopelessness.  But look at what surrounds the word EVIL.  Can you also see the black letters that spell GOOD?

As Christians, we believe that God is still working for the good of this world.  Through Jesus’ sacrifice, death and resurrection, God has the final word – good will for all creation. And so by faith and bold hope, Christians continue to work for the greater good in this world.  We are inspired by the Living Christ to make a warm place for the homeless – dish out countless meals – worship exuberantly – read the Bible and study it – pray daily – create a safety net for foster kids and youth at risk – visit the sick – strive for justice – educate – sacrifice – serve.

Why?  Because we are Easter people who have tasted the awesome power of God’s goodness.  We know that God’s love will prevail over any of the destructive forces that run counter to the well being of God’s creation. And God, in God’s own amazing way, empowers each one of us to be part of God’s on-going work for GOOD in this world.

  O God whose love never lets us go, thank you for your promised plan that you are constantly working your purposes out for good.  Help me, this day, to be one of your instruments to bring your good-will to all.  In Christ’s name.  Amen.

Kate Thoresen

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Monday, March 23, 2009

[LENTEN DEVOTIONAL] Monday, March 23

Deuteronomy 28:11 
The Lord will grant you abundant prosperity.

What is prosperity? How should it be measured? We are living in very challenging times. We are nervous about things that we always took for granted. But we are not the first generation to have known difficult days.
An October 1932 issue of Ladies Home Journal said that “The return of good times is not wholly a matter of money. There is a prosperity of living which is quite as important as prosperity of pocketbook.” We have so much. Does it really matter if we can’t eat out as often as before? Are you going hungry? Do you really NEED that new coat or jacket? Aren’t you already warm?
For one month try not spending for anything except food and the necessary items to keep your home such as mortgage and utilities. Do you even realize all the wonderful gifts that we have that are free? Take a walk. Go to the library. Have a dinner with friends. Cozy up with a good book. Write that letter you have been putting off. Visit someone you haven’t seen for a while. COME TO CHURCH.
In her book Simple Abundance, Sarah Ban Breathnach tells us to “Accept with joy the life we are living, our circumstances, our feelings, our problems, our financial status, our work, our health, our relationship with others, the delay of our dreams. Before we can change anything in our life we have to recognize that this is the way it was meant to be right now.”
I can’t imagine anything harder than such acceptance. We all have serious problems but there is a place to place your worries. Pray. I guarantee that you will feel your stress soften and your concerns lessen. God is listening to us, but are we listening to Him? Sometimes His answer is not what we think we want to hear. Listen more closely. Accept where you are right now. Pray, and then LISTEN TO GOD.

  Thank you for granting us abundant prosperity.  Help us to realize all that we have.  Amen.

Joyce Uzelac

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Sunday, March 22, 2009

[LENTEN DEVOTIONAL] Sunday, March 22

Psalm 139:13-14  You created every part of me, knitting me in my mother's womb. For such handiwork, I praise you. Awesome this great wonder.


The Prayer Shawl Ministry at First Presbyterian is entering its fourth year of knitting and crocheting shawls that are given to those in need of comfort and those experiencing joy. The shawls have provided comfort and support to those who are ill, recovering, mourning, under stress or celebrating. Shawl makers begin with prayer for the recipient and the shawls are given with this blessing:

Prayer of Blessing
by Janet Bristow
May God's grace be upon this shawl...
warming, comforting, enfolding and embracing.
May this mantle be a safe haven...
a sacred place of security and well-being...
sustaining and embracing in good times as well as difficult ones.
May the one who receives this shawl be cradled in hope,
kept in joy, graced with peace, and wrapped in love.
Blessed Be!
[copyright 2009 – used with permission from]


  Dear Lord, we thank you for the generous gifts we have received and ask for your continued blessings on our homes and families.  May the Holy Spirit guide us as we share of our time, talents, prayers and love in this Prayer Shawl Ministry.  We also ask your blessings on the recipients of the shawls that they may feel comforted by your steadfast love and if possible that their health be restored.  We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen

Prayer Shawl Ministry

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