Friday, March 18, 2011


Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” (Mark 10:14-15)

The PW Mom’s Circle asked each of their children the following questions: “If you could talk to God what would you say or ask?

Sean Patrick McGlynn (age 4) – Are the clouds really fun? Do you bounce on them? I would like to have a play date bouncing with you!

Emily McGlynn (age 9) – Is there really a Heaven and a Hell? I hope to go to Heaven. How am I doing?

Sam McGlynn (age 14) – God, I miss my family that are in Heaven. How are they doing? I think of them so much. Please send my love to Big Bompa, Grandma & Grandpa McGlynn, Great Grandma, and Maggie.

Jana Dinkeloo (age 9) – I would ask God if he would please take away my friend’s cancer, so he wouldn’t have to spend a lot of time in the hospital and could go back to preschool.

William Dinkeloo (age 5) – I would ask Jesus how does he talk to the wind and the water and say, “Be still.”

Gwendolyn Swisher (age 4) – God, please forgive everyone who has done something bad. Also, why do we go to church on the specific day Sunday?

(to be continued)

Prayer: Loving hearts that gladly meet you, willing hands upraised to greet you, ears and eyes and lips we bring, Jesus, as we softly sing. “Father, we thank you: Father in heaven, we thank you.” Amen.

PW Mom’s Circle

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