Friday, March 24, 2017

Friday, March 24

But I, through the abundance of your steadfast love, will enter your house.
Psalm 5:7

. . . a house is not a home . . . home sweet home . . . make yourself at home . . . home away from home . . .
These phrases convey the idea that “home” is a very special place, evoking feelings of comfort, warmth, rest, safety, and security. Many of us are blessed with the stereotypical kind of home; a house, family members in and out, surrounded by familiar possessions. There are also those who discover a home in a different way, possibly through a group setting where they have found understanding, acceptance, and tolerance. Still others find that special place in a work/volunteer environment where they are appreciated, included and find great satisfaction in their achievements.
But what of the people to whom home means dysfunction, fear or shame? Where will those without a physical home find rest, peace and safety? What of those who are afraid to return home, for fear of rejection? Through our belief in the Grace of God, we all have a home, welcoming and loving, offering sanctuary and forgiveness. Let us all be listening for those who are searching for home.

I want only to come closer to you. I leave at the door everything that pulls me away from you - all my failings and fallings, my deceptions and rebellion. I want only to come closer to you. Lead me into your innermost room. Draw me in the intimacy of awe until I know you more and all that I am is held in you. Then will I sing for joy! And I will know that I am not alone; I am in the company of friends in your house of love and praise, covered with your favour, shielded by your blessing. I am coming home.
Written by Silvia Purdie, Resources for Life and Faith, 2016

Sue Delpup

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