Thursday, February 18, 2010


Joshua 1:2  Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River.

My mother-in-law gave me a gift when my daughter Erin graduated from high school.  After a busy party in the backyard, sitting under a tent, she gave me a small box.  In it was a lovely antique diamond ring with a butterfly setting.  As I began to read Joshua for Bible study, I looked down at my hand and that ring.  “Lord, lead me across this river Jordan.”

A few days prior, my son Matt showed me an engagement ring.  Matt had decided to propose to a girl he had known for only five months.  Her name was Jordan.  In the few times we had met I had noted all the ways she was different from the women in my family.  She smoked, she wore black nail polish, and she had lots of tattoos.  What did those observations say about me, the woman with a magnet on her fridge with a quote from Joshua that read:  “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”?

More importantly, what was Jordan really like?  It is so easy to fall back on stereotypes, but as I continued my studies that week I discovered that God was urging me to achieve my full potential just as God had encouraged the Israelites while crossing the Jordan River:  “Be strong and courageous… the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”  (Joshua 1:9)

A few months have passed now, and Jordan and I are getting to know one another better.  She is a sweet and kind young woman.  With my own mother-in-law as an example, I have seen how reaching out in Christ’s love creates a special bond.  Now it is my turn to continue that tradition.

“Lord bring us to our Jordan
Of newly opened eyes,
Through love, immersed in living
As you were once baptized.”  Amen.
(Lord When You Came to Jordan Brian Wren 1979)

Colleen Fisher

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