Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Matthew 25:15  He gave…to each according to his ability.

In Costa Rica, near the Arenal volcano, there is a path 6” wide that extends as far as you can see to an anthill that contains about 8 million ants.  The Queen ant lives off a fungus that is formed from the leaves of only one kind of tree.  These “tree cutter ants” go out each day, get a chunk of leaf much larger than themselves, and carry it on their backs to the anthill.  All along the path other ants are scurrying back and forth, keeping the path clear.  What you can’t see, is that on the back of each carrier ant is a smaller ant, whose job it is to clean the piece of leaf before it goes into the anthill. You just can’t take your eyes off this convoy.  Jobs are basically assigned according to size and strength.

I see this display of teamwork… peace…equality... and I realize these ants are my teacher.  Each ant is necessary to the process.  If God designed a plan so wondrous for ants, imagine God’s plan for us!

Prayer:  Gracious and Wondrous God, help and guide each one of us to find that unique place where we fit into your beautiful design of the whole.  Amen.

Joanne Blair

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