Friday, March 3, 2017

Friday, March 3

Set your mind on God's kingdom and his justice before everything else, and all the rest will come to you as well.  So do not be anxious about tomorrow; tomorrow will look after itself. Each day has troubles enough of its own. 
Matthew 6: 33-34.

Is your glass half full... or half empty?  Do you see the bright side of things … or live with fear and anxiety?  Do you think people are generally good … or does evil lurk around every corner?  How we perceive the world affects everything we do, say, believe … it affects our health and every relationship we have.  
I heard a story of an elderly blind woman who was making the decision to move from her own home to an assisted living environment.  A man made arrangements for her to visit a nearby establishment and tried to ease the woman's fears.  But even before the visit, the blind woman surprised him by saying, "I know I'll love it there!"  The man was puzzled until the woman explained, "You see, I can choose to be happy and at peace with this transition, or I can choose to be miserable and upset and unhappy.  My attitude will make all the difference.  I choose to be happy."
I don't know the blind woman in this story, but I often think of her when I'm confronted with a big decision or am feeling anxious or frustrated.  I ask myself, "How do I want to be remembered? What example am I setting as I deal with daily life?"  Recently I heard the sad news of the passing first of Lois Cotton, and then, shortly thereafter, the passing of Lois Poston.  I live in Colorado now, so was unable to attend their memorial services, but I joined everyone who was remembering these dear Saints. I reflected on how much these wonderful ladies meant to our community, our church, and to me personally.  What an inspiration they were! I was so blessed to know them both. I will always remember their gracious, warm greetings, their special smiles, the way they took time to say hello and show genuine interest. You could always count on their participation in so many church projects, on their leadership, their wisdom and insights.  
Did they have troubles and disappointments in life? Of course! But it seems to me that both of these wonderful women chose to be happy, to do the best they could, to work for others, to have faith and live life to the fullest.  What an inspiration!  Thank you, dear Lois Cotton and dear Lois Poston!  
Dear God, thank you for the precious lives of Lois Cotton, Lois Poston, and others like them who make a difference in our world and touch so many lives.  Help me to find ways to continue their legacy of love and service.  Amen.

Diane Falconer

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