Saturday, March 14, 2009

[LENTEN DEVOTIONAL] Saturday, March 14


Proverbs 20:6 
Everyone talks about how loyal and faithful he is, but just try to find someone who really is!

An Unconditional Love

I know who fits this description – my dogs. Amid all the toils and snares of this last year, one thing in my life was a constant – available anytime every day – the unconditional love that my dogs show to me.

I believe that dogs are angels with four paws. They are smart, loyal, faithful, and mine make me laugh every day.  If we are open to learning from them, dogs can teach us many life lessons.

The author, Celonhael, says "it's pretty much an accepted fact that our pets are members of our families and that there are many health benefits that come from having a dog. It lowers blood pressure. It makes us laugh more. We are more open to change and acceptance. Dogs love us unconditionally." She says that her dog taught her that "friendship is honest, true, and eternal. Living should be a good time had by all, and there is joy in everything if you just stop and look.  There are creatures who share this world with us, willingly; and always treat them kindly, because they are so often at our mercy. Love is forever and once you know someone, you can never un-know them."

Author Deanna Mascle says, "Dogs know that a simple touch from someone you love can make any situation better and sometimes make all the difference in the world." We should "never overlook the chance for a nap. We could all benefit from taking advantage of some down- time to relax and rejuvenate." Dogs know that "the best toys are found not bought. Your time and attention are the greatest gift of all.  Finally, "You are never too old to play." Personally, my dogs give me peace of mind. They help me remember to look for the rainbow after every storm and that each day is a blessing and a new adventure. My wish is to always strive to be the person my dogs think I am.

Prayer:  Dear Lord, I thank you for the joy of sharing my life with my dogs. I thank you for the lessons that they teach me and I ask that you would help me apply those lessons to my life each day. Help me to love unconditionally as they do. Amen.

Mary Emmanuel

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