Wednesday, March 18, 2009

[LENTEN DEVOTIONAL] Wednesday, March 18

Psalms 46:1  God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear.

Boom!  There my two year old brother was lying on the ground with a gash on his forehead!  Mother dashed to rescue him and I ran to the outhouse, trembling with fear that I had killed my brother!  At five years old I had placed him on the sack-swing and given him a good push.  My heart was racing, and I felt helpless so for the first time ( in my ninety-three year old memory) my mind remembered that Jesus loved children so I immediately fell down on my knees, folded my hands and prayed for Jesus to save my brother.
After serving in WWII and Korean War he is still living!  God still has a plan for him.
God is good to me and I often ask for help.  His advice gives me confidence.  There have been times in my life when family events have happened which were almost more than I could bear so I turned to my faith for help.
One event was in 1973 when the neurosurgeon came from the operating room and said to us, “I am so sorry, your son has an incurable brain tumor.  I tried my best.”  And then he hugged me.  Again I was devastated– helpless– where to go?  Soon after getting home, we turned to our church and prayer circle.  Rev. Morgan Roberts appeared immediately at our door!  By telling our relatives and friends, we had several local churches and out-of-state faith groups calling and praying for our son John's recovery.  He lived two more years and we were grateful.  At that time very little brain tumor research had been done so our family was fortunate to have our twenty-eight year old son that much longer.  We don't always understand God's plan but we know John left us our third daughter, Pamela, with whom we are still very close.
I think I have some feeling now how God agonized when His Son was being crucified.  This was a very heart wrenching time for our family.

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, thank you for giving us your Son, who has shown us that your Holy Spirit is always with us.  Amen.

Fran Merker

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