Sunday, February 26, 2012


Psalm 133:1 Behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.

Once upon a time, and this is a true story, we went to an Elderhostel at Brigham Young University in Hawaii. The students came from islands of the South Pacific and the dining room menu reflected the student background.

One morning I, grumbling audibly, was faced again with a vat of warm cider as I stood in the cafeteria line. Mormons drink neither coffee nor tea. The man before me in line smiled and told me why the foods were not familiar, adding that he was the bishop who oversaw recruitment of students from the South Pacific.

Now this was interesting and I said so. He invited me to have lunch with him; he would bring pictures of his work. And I accepted. The Mormon Elderhostel students were horrified. "He invited YOU?"
Well, he did, showing photos of the many Pacific islands and continents he visited recruiting for the church, of course, and for the college. He was pleasant and informative. I was asked to join him the next day; I was delighted. The pictures were a testament. Mormons are active in the South Pacific.

While we were in Hawaii, a very unusual cold snap hovered over Oahu for several days. My husband and I bought sweatshirts in the college store to keep warm. So you can imagine the startled looks when young Mormon missionaries rang our Birmingham doorbell, only to find the woman answering the door was wearing a sweat labeled Brigham Young University. I simply pointed to the First Presbyterian Church steeple and told them that there was my church home.

O give thanks unto the Lord, for he is gracious; because his mercy endureth for ever.” (Psalm 118:1)

Carol Held

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