Monday, March 4, 2013


Do to others as you would have them do to you.
(Luke 6:31)

Take My Hand
Each time I come into the parking lot here at our church, I see the sign of children holding hands at the Christian Education entrance and I remember our church’s gift to the community at Christmas Hand*In*Hand. Mike and I loved and worked at the endeavor which brought many people to our doors.
My mind wanders to the Sistine Chapel at St. Peter’s in Rome. The ceiling takes hours to envision, but it begins with God extending his hand to Adam. During our church services, we bless our fellow Christians with the words “May the Peace of Christ be with you” and an extended hand.
Taking a person’s hand can mean many things. “I’m with you.” “Let me help you.” “You are not alone.” “I care.”
It gives you strength, trust, courage, confidence, and an offer of friendship.
Jesus taught his followers to care for one another. “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” (Matthew 25:40)
Offering your hand is a powerful act. Let us remember the needs of others as we take theirs, letting in warmth, love, comradery, and service.

Taking my hand is magic to my soul. Amen.

Betty Rosenberger

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