Sunday, March 3, 2013


She had a sister named Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to what he was saying. (Luke 10:39)

Moments With God
As the story is told, while her sister Mary sat and listened to Jesus, Martha let herself feel overwhelmed with the work that was left undone. Jesus said to her, “Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; there is need of only one thing. Mary has chosen the better part, which will not be taken away from her.”
My mother named me Colleen, but I think she surely should have called me Martha! I have responsibilities to my family, friends, employer, coworkers, and church that require my constant attention. However the Bible story of Martha reminds me that there are times when it is necessary to put tasks aside and spend quiet moments with God.
Often when I pray, it is in supplication asking God to open a door; however, I forget that the door opens both ways. I need to be the one who lets God in.
Recently I read “Some Unspoken Thoughts of F. Morgan Roberts” dated January 17, 2001:

There is a deeper Life and Presence seeking to be known and loved at the depth of our being. When we welcome that other Life within our life and allow it to take over our life, we become our most authentic selves and discover that uniquely lovely and haunting melody that can be sung only through our life. Let us be in conversation with that Someone within us. Let us say to that Presence on every day of our lives, “I shall try to make You at home.”

I would like to invite all of you to attend the retreat “Doors of Grace: Opening Our Hearts to God’s Presence” at First Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Michigan on Saturday March 9, 2013 The retreat is sponsored by Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery of Detroit, and all are welcome! Please come and join us!

Loving God, as I step away from the busyness of life and listen to your Presence, my soul is nourished. Help me to make You at home in my heart. Amen.
Colleen Fisher

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