Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday, March 31

Not a sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it.
Matthew 10:29 (New Living Translation)

Faith and Courage

Late this summer I learned something about tragedy.  This Christmas I learned about faith and courage.
A special young couple I know endured fertility treatments and weeks of bed rest before finally welcoming beautiful, healthy twin sons one year ago.  We celebrated with baby shower gifts and thanksgiving to God.
Eight months later they woke to find that one of their precious boys had died in his sleep.  SIDS.  An unthinkable loss.  Our hearts broke at the news.  I could not even tell my closest friends...why distress strangers? I thought of this dear little family every morning, every night.  I wrote them a letter, hoping my words could somehow express our shared grief and deep sympathy.
I chose my Christmas card to them carefully.  I knew their Christmas would be shadowed by their sorrow.  And then their own beautiful photo card arrived at my house.  Six panels of photos and text, sharing their deep love for their dear sons, acknowledging their grief and loss, remembering their little one but still celebrating life, cherishing the son who continues to brighten each day, closing with "Bring on the New Year!"
What a lesson in faith and courage!  We never know why such tragedies occur, but their faith in God and the loving support of their family and friends have enabled them to face each new day and embrace the future with amazing courage and strength.  
Prayer: Thank you, God, for the example of this brave young family. Please help me be an example of faith to those I meet.  And especially be with any who have suffered the loss of a child.  Amen.

Diane Falconer (2014)

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