Thursday, April 3, 2014

Thursday, April 3

Commit your way to YAHWEH; Trust on God who will act.
Psalm 37:5

Sometimes it's hard for us to jump in with both feet. We come wanting to serve you, our relationships, and jobs 100%. But in the back of our minds it is sometimes easy to say, "Well, if this doesn't work we can try something else." We can always get divorced, change churches, change jobs, send the kids off to a babysitter or even to boarding school. Prenuptial agreements are now a common occurrence, the divorce rate continues to rise and church memberships continue to decline. A commitment to anything that causes stress, emotional discomfort or pain can easily be left behind.

That was not so for a sixth century missionary named Columba. He was called to go to the Scottish isle of Iona to spread the Good News. This was of much danger to him and his colleagues.

When they arrived at the shore they buried their boat deep beneath the sand,  stone and rock. They knew that the boat on the shore would be extremely tempting when the going got tough. They were committed to what they were called to no matter what the consequences would be.

Prayer: Dear Lord, help us to trust in you, our relationship, our jobs, and churches without looking for loopholes and setting conditions. Help us to utter the words for better or for worse' even if things don't go our way. Let us be committed and know that you are with us and supporting us when the going gets tough. Amen.

Gretchen Lima (1991)

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