Saturday, April 5, 2014

Saturday, April 5

This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.
 Psalm 118:24
It was early Thanksgiving morning.  Everyone was still asleep, but it was time to go downstairs and get the dressing fixed, the turkey ready and start checking off the list of things to do before the eleven of us sat down to a Thanksgiving meal together.
Facing so much to do that morning, I think I was suffering from “agendacitis” – that overwhelming feeling of needing to get so much done in such a little amount of time.
In all the preparations I hurriedly opened up a new carton of eggs.  I was startled to see what was inside.  Someone had printed on the inside top of the carton those  timeless words of wisdom:  “This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
What a gift to be reminded that our times are indeed in God’s hands. It was a blessing to become aware that this day of Thanksgiving is a day to pause and be attentive to all the gifts that God would provide in those  next 24 hours.  Time with cherished family and friends.   Time to enjoy a meal together and be mindful of others who are wondering where their next meal would come from.  Time to remember people who would give anything for that empty place at their table to be filled.  Time to consider all the behind the scenes people who make our meals possible: the grocers, the transporters of our foods, the growers and especially the egg producer who chose to share a strong faith by printing scripture inside an egg carton.
That gift from an unknown egg producer did cast a special glow to the day. Later at our Thanksgiving table we shared what we were grateful for.  And I shared that story. And you could sense a collective sigh of wonder and gladness.
Later I cut that verse out of that egg carton and placed them over the sink. Even on those days when the last thing I am prone to do is rejoice, those words are good reminders:  “This is the day that the Lord has made.  Let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
Prayer: Loving God, Thank you for your gentle blessings in our lives each day. Help us to be attentive to your love in action where-ever we are. And by your Holy Spirit, empower us to be vehicles of your love as shown in Jesus Christ.  Amen.
Kate Thoresen (2014)

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