Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wednesday, March 26


Faith looks across the storm ... It does not doubt,
Or stop to look at clouds and things without.
Faith does not question why when all His ways
Are hard to understand, but trusts and prays.
It seeks the greatest gift and asks not sight:
It does not need to see ... He is its light.
Above the tempest's roar it hears its voice:
And with its hand in His, faith can rejoice.
It fears no cloud or wind that it can bring;
Faith looks across the storm and still can sing.
~ Author Unknown

Faith-work . . . . How often have we heard that term and wondered at its meaning? How do we work at faith? Either we have it or we don't? And when we have it, does it not often mean that we believe that God will do the work if we just pray and wait?
I think this poem gives us some direction if we look at the verbs. Faith uses its energy in positive directions ... it does not doubt, does not question why when events do not seem part of an understandable plan, asks not sight but looks, trusts, prays, seeks, hears, rejoices, and sings. These are positive steps, often taken deliberately, in the face of frustration, discouragement, despair, grief and fear. They take work and they take courage ... and they begin with a real partnership with God. Faith-work is what it takes to keep our focus on our traveling companion as we go firmly and bravely forward.
Prayer: Dear God, give me courage this day to act my faith in positive ways. Help me to look, listen, seek, trust, and pray. Help me to rejoice and sing as I push aside negative thoughts and deeds. Help me think of you as a constant companion, God, for with my hand in yours, I can do all this. Give me the courage to keep my faith strong. In Christ's name I pray. Amen

Libby Dickinson (1990)

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