Saturday, April 19, 2014

Saturday, April 19

Emptiness comes between Good Friday and the Resurrection. Total emptiness . . . darkness . . . nothingness. A full day and night of it.

Life changes and we experience transitions. The pattern of those transitions is the same: endings, emptiness and new beginnings. Death, dormancy and new life are parts of all creation's cycle -- given by the Creator.
What happens in the emptiness? Relief from pain of endings . . . waiting feeling the depth of nothing . . . fear of the unknown.

God is there in the emptiness and God is constant. The Creator has always brought new Life out of death. We can embrace the emptiness, letting go of fear and patiently waiting through the inner preparation for what is to come.

Faith takes us through the emptiness to promised new beginnings and to the Resurrection.

Peg Rosenkrands (1990)

For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth. The time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land.
Dear God, in the certainties of nature, help us to see Thee. Plant beauty in our hearts and put a song on our lips that we may impart faith and joy to those who can no longer sing. Help us to put our trust in Thee, even when skies are darkest, knowing that nothing can harm our souls. Amen

From my mother's book of devotions and dated April 23, 1965.
Eleanor Osborn (1990)

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