Saturday, February 28, 2015

Saturday, February 28

And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.
Matthew 28:20

The Gospel of Matthew ends with Jesus telling His disciples to go and make disciples of all nations and to remember that He is with them always. What a wonderful and reassuring way for this Gospel to end; what Jesus is reminding His disciples he also is reminding us that He is with us always. Glory to God.

The question I would like to raise is: While Jesus is with us always, are we always with Jesus? Are we aware of His presence and the reassurance that gives us in all we do? Or do we allow ourselves to be swallowed up in the concerns of each day as we try to find our own way through?

This morning before church I was caught up trying to figure out how I will find the cash flow to cover all of the financial challenges at the beginning of the year that I have: paying taxes, credit cards, insurance, mortgages, etc. Then I remembered it was time to go to church and I quickly wrote a check for my family’s offering without a second thought. The other demands can wait.

Do we let our plans, our goals, worldly demands guide us? Or do we turn to Jesus to help us set priorities and walk with us through each day. Are we willing to live in the presence of the Lord and enjoy him in all we do? The opportunities and burdens of this world can often drag us away from being aware of His wonderful presence.

I have seen myself and my family find a peace and new direction as we become more aware of Jesus’ presence. That does not mean each day is easy or without its setbacks. It does allows us to move ahead with assurance that the Lord will provide and show us the way. Jesus is with you and me always. Thank you, Jesus.

Dear Lord, Let us live each day more aware of your presence and love for us. Let us be willing to let go, trusting that you are there walking with us. Amen

Dave Zimmer

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