Sunday, March 5, 2017

First Sunday, March 5

As many of you as were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.
Galatians 3:27

In January, my sister said “yes” to the dress. She tried on a number of beautiful wedding gowns, and narrowed it down to two options. For hours she couldn’t decide between the two. She’d switch in and out of them, walk around in front of the mirrors, text friends and family members for input and advice. It turned out that neither of them was the right dress. She finally went back to a dress she’d put back for some reason, and when she tried it on again, it was just right. She not only looked beautiful (as she had in all the dresses), but she felt like herself. She felt confident and beautiful just with the way she was.
I think this kind of feeling is what the apostle Paul is talking about when he says that we have clothed ourselves with Christ. Being clothed with Christ is that sense of being fully the amazing, beautiful, wondrous person God created us to be.
We spend our lives trying on different “clothes,” different identities and ways we want people to see us. We clothe ourselves with friends, jobs, possessions, sports teams, colleges. We put on appearances of happiness, importance, achievement. But sometimes we walk through our lives and look in the mirror and realize that, while we may look good, while our appearance might be attractive, it just isn’t me. There is just something that is not quite right. We may not even be able to name exactly what it is. But these clothes do not make us feel confident and beautiful just the way we are.
So perhaps Lent is as good a time as any to try going back again and clothing ourselves with Christ. The Lenten season invites us to take off all those other trappings and remember our baptismal identity as beloved children of a gracious God. And in doing this, we can walk through our lives, and look at ourselves in the mirror and see reflected there nothing short of the image of God. And when we see this, all we can say is, “yes.”
Loving God, you created each of us uniquely in your image and you love us endlessly. Help us to clothe ourselves in Christ so that we may see your beauty and wonder reflected in us and in our lives. Amen.

 Rev. Amy Morgan

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