Sunday, April 2, 2017

Fifth Sunday, April 2

Indeed, the body does not consist of one member but of many.
                                                                       I Corinthians 12:14

I joke and say that I am amazed I was ordained as a Minister of Word and Sacrament, because I cannot carry a tune and often can’t remember names!  But the truth is, I sometimes feel inadequate.  Some of us are given gifts that serve best more publicly - with a loud voice, like bright bold colors.  Some of us are given gifts that serve best in the background - with a quiet voice, like soft neutral colors.  And so I share this story, to remind myself and others, that the gifts God gives us are uniquely important and valuable.

This Aesop’s fable is called “The Fable of the Belly.”
“One day it occurred to members of the body that they were doing all the work while the belly was having all the food.  So they held a meeting (presumably without inviting the belly) and after a long discussion decided to strike work until the belly consented to take its proper share of the work.  So for a day or two the hands refused to take the food, the mouth refused to receive it and the teeth had no work to do.  But after a day or two, the members began to find that they themselves were not in very active condition.  The hands could hardly move, the mouth was all parched and dry, while the legs were unable to support the rest of the body.  Thus they found that even the belly in its dull, quiet way was doing necessary work for the body and that all must work together or the body will go to pieces.”

Giving God, As I seek to celebrate and affirm the gifts of others, help me to remember that I have gifts also.  You equip and call each one of us to be a part of the body of the Christ.  Guide me to nurture and share those gifts so that I might serve you better.  Amen.

Joanne Blair

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