Thursday, April 6, 2017

Thursday, April 6

 Jacob woke up and said, “The Lord is here! He is in this place, and I didn't  know it!” He was afraid and said, “What a terrifying place this is! It must be the house of God; it must be the gate that opens into heaven.”
Genesis 28:16 (Good News Bible) 

Forming Families on the Fly
Families can be great, and they can be painful, often at the same time. If you think that things were better long ago, sneak into your kids room, borrow the "Good News Bible" they were presented with when they were in the third grade, and read from Genesis, starting at Chapter 12 until the end. You'll be reading one of the very first family sagas, and even if you judge it as  just literature,  it's not all bad as a complex and challenging story.  Of course, you can use your own Bible, but the Good News was done to tell stories and consequently might be just a more fun read than other Bibles.
Anyway, at the point where the above verses occur, Jacob is in the process of figuring out who he is, and who God wants him to be. He's on the run from his brother Esau and is starting out alone.
I think that many of us have found ourselves alone in a new place  like Jacob. We may not be on the run, but work, school, or other life situations have made it necessary to leave our families and go elsewhere to be with people we don't know and maybe can't trust. Since we are social beings, we look for family replacements, people we can enjoy being with, people that we can trust, people who will love and accept us.   I call this "forming families on the fly."
One of the great resources for forming "Families on the Fly" is your congregation, especially one like FPCB with our commitment to inclusion and community.  One reason is that we are all, in some way, trying to understand the God who is here and that we don't see.  A God who calls us and forms us using the people around us.
Is it a silver bullet, will you just automatically click with everyone in the congregation? Well, probably not, after all we are all human but the odds are better than a random choice and if your experience is anything like mine you'll find some real people treasures along the way. Who knows, you might have some really interesting, caring and loving brothers, sisters, cousins, grandparents and more if you make the effort to reach out and connect.

Loving God, be with us when we believe that we are totally alone. Help us to see the people around us as the gifts you want us to have, and to be the gifts to others that you want us to be. Help us to live in this complex world as we form families on the fly with people who may only be with us briefly or who might be lifelong caring family members.  Either way, help us to accept your gift and to be that gift to others. In the name of Jesus we pray. Amen

Terry Chaney

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