Saturday, April 4, 2009

[LENTEN DEVOTIONAL] Saturday, April 4


1 Chronicles 4:10 
And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that you would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that your hand would be with me, and that you would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain”  So God granted him what he requested.

When I retired in 1999, my plan was to do many leisure and enjoyable activities: antiquating, refinishing furniture, do some much delayed home projects, more grand-parenting, travel, etc.  These were things I could do whenever I decided, since it was going to be on my time.

One month after retirement, I was asked to come back and work as a consultant for about three months.  Well, three months ran into a year and three months.  During the last month of that assignment, someone from the Presbytery asked me to serve on a committee, indicating that it would be one meeting a month.  I had not previously served on a presbytery committee, therefore my naivety played a part in my decision to serve.

It is now almost ten years later and the antiquating, refinishing of furniture has not happened.  More grand-parenting has been accomplished.  That one meeting per month has now become full involvement in the presbytery.  Each time I decided not to serve on another committee, I seemed to have been drawn into yet another commitment.

Last week as I was dusting my bookcase, I saw a book which I had not read for sometime and decided to read it.  It was the Prayer of Jabaz.  When I had finished reading the book, I began to understand why I continue to serve in the church and presbytery. It is because I am receiving God’s blessing and he is increasing my territory to tell the Good News. The more blessings I receive, the larger my territory; the larger my territory, the more blessings I am receiving.  I am now on this Blessing and Territory Ferris Wheel, touching people as I go around, and with God’s help, determined never to get off.

Prayer: O God and King, please expand my opportunities and my impact in such a way that I touch more lives for your glory. Let me do more for you.  Amen

Rosy Latimore

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