Friday, April 8, 2011


I have complete confidence in the gospel, it is God’s power to save all who believe.” (Romans 1:16)

The Power of the Gospel

I think that I am like most people, constantly reading and researching information trying to understand and discern God’s will.

Several years ago, the keynote speaker at a conference I attended referenced the number of books one could read to discern God’s will. He said his friends are forever telling him that they just read this book and that book and how wonderful and inspiring they were and that I should read them. I replied, “Have you read Isaiah, Jeremiah, or Micah?” He indicated that we should read and reread the books of the Bible to discern God’s will.

Therefore, I have decided to reread the book of Romans during the Lenten season. This book is Paul’s letter to the Romans which was written to prepare the way for a visit Paul planned to make to the church at Rome. He wrote to explain his understanding of the Christian faith and its practical implications for the lives of Christians. This was his most complete message to the church in Rome. The gospel reveals how God puts people right with himself – it is through faith from beginning to end – “The person who is put right with God through faith shall live.” (Romans 1:17)

Prayer: God of light and spirit, put us right with ourselves. Amen.

Rosy M. Latimore

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