Friday, March 23, 2012


Exodus 3:4 When the Lord saw that Moses had turned aside to see, God called to him out of the burning bush.

Three things you should know. One: I do not hear voices in the night … even God’s. Two: Almost all of my prayers are “thank you’s.” I do not ask God to help me win the lottery. Three: God does talk to me. No voice. But every bit as clearly as a shout.

Some examples. I prayed for guidance on how I might help out with things that need doing here on earth. The first thing he said to me was, “Feed the children.” He didn’t add, “dummy.” But the message was so powerful and clear that I sure felt like a dummy.

So I donated some money I didn’t think I had to help feed children. And I will keep doing it. Again, no voice. But God’s message was as clear to me as a smack on the side of my head.

Another example. I again prayed for guidance on how to help our world. Another smack. “Do something to help fight the injustice done to the LGBTQI community.” I put in many hours as a “heterosexual, straight, ally” (that’s what they called me) at the Gay Community Center (Affirmations) in Ferndale. I am still trying to work on that kind of social injustice through our Communities Connect Ministry right here at FPC.

Why do I feel compelled to tell you this stuff? Probably, because I’m very excited about it. But also because I hope it might help someone else.

God has probably “talked” to me all of my life. I simply wasn’t listening. It also took me a long time to understand that God’s “talk” can come through a flower, or a bird, or a smack on the head, or a burning bush. The key is being ready to listen and to accept whatever he has to say … whenever he chooses to say it.

So please listen. Because when you hear God talk, I guarantee it’s going to make you one very happy person.

Dear Lord, Thank you for talking to us … often when we need it most. Please help us all to listen and to follow through with whatever it is you would have us do. Amen.

Hal Bay

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