Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Proverbs 22:6 Train children in the right way, and when old, they will not stray.

Talking With Our Children

Something has changed in our lives while raising our young children. We are talking to them less and listening to them less than in earlier years. Instead we are intent on talking on our mobile devices and listening to them as well.

Meanwhile we are DIS-CONNECTING with our children – our most valuable asset. They see and hear us talking; but not with them!

The consequences of these changes are mind-boggling!

Teachable Moments” are lost to idle chatter. Rather than engaging our child in conversation, we are indirectly de-valuing their existence or their interests.

Worse yet, we are modeling this disinterest – this detachment.

In the same vein I wonder if we still read to our children from good books. Books with pictures and conversational topics. Or has handing him/her an iPad replaced even that depth of togetherness?

I worry about what this type of omission will create in the socialization skills of our children.

Show me how to listen and to really hear my children, dear Lord, I pray. Amen.

Janet Munson

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