Monday, March 12, 2012


Mark 10:14 “Let the children come to me, do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.”

Elizabeth and I went through life’s challenges raising three wonderful children. Our youthful energy substituted for lack of a guidebook. I vaguely thought my later years would be for relaxing and exiting gracefully. But God had other plans.

Grandchildren awakened my urge to teach them about the world. Everything they want to experience excites me. And I dedicate myself joyfully to share what I know, and learn alongside them when I don’t know. At a local science museum, I find the same deep satisfaction leading young children to understand the world around them.

Family friends lost their 9-month old baby, Delaney Rose, this year. Her parents tell how much she taught them about life in that brief time. They also say they will now see every child as God’s blessing to us. That message guides my life.

God of clarity, thank you for putting children in our lives. May their amazing open hearts and minds move us to share ourselves fully. Amen.

Dexter Snyder

Psalm 119:76 Let your steadfast love become my comfort according to your promise to your servant

Today is the 12th anniversary of my young grandson’s death. Today I read my daily devotional. The subject was God’s loving comfort.

Coincidence? No. God’s blessings come in many ways. Be aware. Be receptive. When we are in need of comfort there is no better time to realize the power of God’s presence within us. He has told us the Holy Spirit is our comforter.

Talk to God. Ask God. Trust God. Thank God.

Father, in our time of tribulation you are always with us. In the name of Jesus we thank you for your steadfast love. Amen.

Nancy Therasse

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