Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Matthew 11:17 “We played the flute for you, but you did not dance.”

Dancing Through Life

We are musical aficionados. We love to listen to old/new musicals in the car, on tv, work on them at the Birmingham Village players, watch them, or in some cases, just sing them. Our current "fav" is Wicked. I never knew you could learn so much from Musicals!
For example: Fiyero, in the song Dancing Through Life, says: “The trouble with schools is they always teach the wrong lesson. Believe me, I've been kicked out of enough to know. But I say why invite stress in? … and learn to live the unexamined life.” This, to me means, the path less taken. The rambling road instead of the straight and narrow. There's nothing wrong with that one, it's just not as interesting.
Some would say that is growing up but I don't advocate for perfection, as some might. My daughter Liz told me: But I am perfect at being me – not what someone else wants me to be.

In another song, right after Dancing, Galinda wants to make Elphaba over into someone popular"Just like me." Galinda: Elphie - now that we're friends, I've decided to make you my new project.Elphaba: You really don't have to do that. But Galinda goes onto explain her plan in Popular.
How degrading to try to change someone into someone they are not. We're all different. Some, like Galinda, are further along than those like Elphaba. God loves us all wherever we are (as long as we don't injure others mentally or physically).
In the old hymn, I Danced in the Morning, the chorus echoes the sentiment:
Dance, then, wherever you may be,
I am the Lord of the Dance, said
and I'll lead you all, wherever you may be

and I'll lead you all in the dance, said He.
How can we go wrong if Jesus leads us in the dance of life?

Maggie Garza

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