Sunday, March 9, 2014

First Sunday in Lent, March 9

And I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will put within you. And I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.
Ezekiel 36:26

Come into my heart…
Come into my heart, Come into my heart,
Come into my heart Lord Jesus.
Come in today, Come in to stay,
Come into my heart Lord Jesus.

Often I ask my children if they have a song in their hearts to take them through the day. Today, I sang the above song to my son. As I looked around, it seemed the house was very much out of order. You see, I have all four of my children at home now. My oldest moved home for a hospital internship. Her sister just graduated, bringing 4 years of college accumulations back home. My son is a teenage boy who needs no explanation and my youngest is – well, the youngest, still in elementary school.

The thought of attempting to bring order out of chaos caused me to say a prayer. “Lord, please help me to clean this house up”. As I contemplated the overwhelming task, my own heart came to mind. Is it crowded with things that don't belong there? Maybe things I have placed there that God has asked me to move or remove? Misplaced anger or greed or a memory of something I needed to forgive and forget? Burdens too heavy to move on my own or things I am arguing about with God as to whether they should even be there in the first place? Do I have wrongly cherished sins I have held onto too long? Are there negative attitudes I am trying to hide in the corners? Perhaps there are ideas or recurring thoughts to be tempted by and stumble over?

Prayer: Dear loving heavenly Father, You are an awesome God who makes order out of chaos. You did it when You created the world and You do it all the time in people's hearts if they would only let You take control. Lord, this morning, I give You my heart and ask You to take over. I humbly ask You to forgive my sins through Christ Jesus who died for me and cleanse me from all my sins. I know my heart has much to be changed. But I thank You, that You are a God who is in the business of changing hearts and changing me. Give me new heart today. I ask these things in Jesus name. Amen.

Melinda Smith (2014)

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