Friday, March 14, 2014

Friday, March 14

We know that in everything God works for good with those who have Him, who are called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28
Over the years, I have become increasingly aware that many times answers to my prayers come through other people - most often through women I know through circle or Presbyterian Women. It was during the "moving years" (we moved eight times in a ten year period) - often lone1y, uncertain, unhappy years - that I first became so aware something said or something read at a circle meeting or an Association luncheon that day had been just what I had needed. Skeptically, I tried to explain some of this away as a chance happening or a lucky coincidence - though I had to admit those "chance" events happened less often with the bridge and golf groups. Gradually I came to accept this love and support which God sends to us through others who love him and make themselves a part of his plan. I was no longer amazed at the powerful atmosphere for caring God creates in groups of Christian women, in fact, now I expect it and seek it out!
But this verse in Romans carries a second part to this message of consolation ... one of challenge. If I am to be a recipient of God's work through others, then I must be an instrument of that love also. The challenge lies in our making ourselves available to expressed needs, of saying "yes" when we are asked, Of following that often disturbing inclination that we should "become involved" in a task, in a cause or in the lives of others. When we make ourselves and our special talents available, God can work for good according to his purpose. It is not our task to decide if we are worthy, or whether our talent is “good enough.” We need only to be willing to listen to God within us and to go where he calls us. We will find constant evidence that God is working for good in everything and that he often works for and with and through those who love him.
Prayer: Our Father, Help me to look for your presence in everything and in everyone. Help me to see your loving care in words and deeds of other Christians during even the most terrible of times. Use me this way, Lord, for I know in sharing myself I can become an instrument of your love. Help me today to look for at least one way I can become part of your plan. I ask this in Jesus' name, through whom all things are possible. Amen
Libby Dickinson (1991)

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