Saturday, March 15, 2014

Saturday, March 15

Anyone can come to you, and you will listen to their prayers.
Psalm 65:2
“I wouldn’t be who I am if it were not for you.” These words, spoken by my grandson, have endeared him to me. I can’t recall anything specific, but I remember many times when he needed us; and we were there.
Time and again I’m in need. The specifics matter not. I search for God’s guidance and comfort, and He is there.
Prayer: Thank You Lord for hearing and answering my prayers!
Janet Munson (2014)

In everything give thanks
1 Thessalonians 5:18
I’m going back decades to a little book by Jane Walsh Augland called A Friend is Someone Who Likes You, a small book with powerful words. It took a near-death illness for me to realize how many friends I have. I have a grateful heart.
I could feel the love and concern from my friends during those dark days - in big and small ways from prayers, to cards, to visits.
A Covenant friend gave me another small book called Jesus Calling by Sarah Young, a book of daily devotions. I read it every day and it reminds me how blessed I am even if I don’t always realize it. It, too, is a small but powerful book. It reminds me: In all things give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
Prayer: Gentle Jesus, remind us again to be grateful for friends and relatives, for great and little deeds, and especially for each new day. To you we pray. Amen

Maggie Garza (2014)

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