Friday, April 11, 2014

Friday, April 11

If you refuse to take up your cross and follow me, you are not worthy of being mine.
Matthew 10:38
Glory Only In The Cross
In 2013, more than 350 people from all over the United States celebrated Easter Sunday in the annual Easter Sunrise Service. Many plan annual vacations to celebrate here on the Coronado beach overlooking the Pacific Ocean. For 16 years I had enjoyed the ending of this service while taking my daily 5 am walk to the Dog Beach at the end of Coronado Boulevard, as worshipers were returning to their homes all greeting with "Christ has risen" and joyfully responded "Christ has risen indeed."
Now it was our last of 17 years of residency at the Shores and I decided to attend all Easter events possible. And my Good Friday WALK WITH THE CROSS was the highlight! Not knowing the distance involved, Bruce decided he hadn't better. But ask him sometime about the Sunrise Service we did finally go to! A spiritual highlight also. So I left at 4:30 pm with good spiritual friend Judy P. for this unique event. I still tingle and tear when I think of it. The cross, looking like pictured, is carried from church to church. The programs are tailored to the number of churches, based on the 14 stations of the cross. This year there were eight stations.
We start at the first church with welcoming, devotions, past history, explanation of our route and instructions how to follow, closely together, in silence. We walk through all traffic lights, stopping all traffic as we cross the streets. I'm thinking not many places you could do this. The group has the right-of-way as we proceed from church to church. Some churches had standing room only. I like to be at the front, and it was heartwarming to see three young boys struggling with the weight. Our close church friend Tom M. estimated 40 to 50 lbs, said it would be very difficult for one person to carry all the way and usually there would be a volunteer at each participating church. He said it then remains at the last church until the next year.
Each church station followed the same poignant program. Each had a First Reader, Second Reader, and Third Reader, and all involved us. Before we ended, we all knew our responses by heart. At each station they began: "We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you, because by your holy cross you have redeemed the world.”
First Reader describes the situation which is very graphic, grim, heartbreaking.
Second Reader responds to the first and makes us think, get involved, numbed, exhausted!
Third Reader leads in prayers. All had such beautiful, thoughtful, inspirational prayers. After their "Amen" we respond:
Holy God,
Holy and Mighty,
Holy Immortal One,
Have Mercy upon us.
How special this walk was. Ever since, I've realized why I really love the crosses at F.P.C. and St. Paul's Methodist, reminding me how much we must be thankful for the human pain Jesus suffered for our sins.
Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, I pray wherever We may live, wherever we may be, your Holy Spirit will guide, comfort, and enable us to be the best you you would have us.
Sheryl McCristal (2014)

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