Friday, March 6, 2015

Friday, March 6

After he had washed their feet, had put on his robe, and had returned to the table, he said “Do you understand what I have done to you?”
John 13:12-13

Today is World Day of Prayer which is being celebrated in 170 countries around the world. This year’s service was written by the women from The Bahamas. (Do you know The Bahamas encompass 700 islands?) The scripture passage of Jesus washing the feet of the disciples was chosen to show God’s radical love which comes from humility, compassion and commitment. God’s radical love is not static or self-centered but reaches out and brings others in.
Symbolically as Jesus puts aside his own robe he loses his power and privileges and joins the slave class. Washing the feet of guests was a task of slaves. Often we read in the bible how Jesus disregards social structures and interacts with people on the bottom rung of the ladder. Then Jesus tells his disciples to do likewise, to serve all with love.
Many years ago when at a riverside in rural Guatemala I had a humbling experience. A woman suddenly appeared with a basin and rag and washed my dirty feet. That act of kindness lingers on as a wonderful memory, especially when I read this scripture passage of Jesus’ example of washing feet.

O God, we live in a world of hurting people, and you call us to follow you and serve with love. Open our hearts and minds to discover new ways to bring hope and opportunity to all. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Lois Poston

NOTE: The local World Day of Prayer service is today (March 6) at 10:00 am at the Franklin Community Church, Franklin, MI.

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