Saturday, March 27, 2010


Luke 15:27-28  The servant replied to him, “Your brother has come, and your father has killed the fatted calf, because he has him back safe and sound.”  Then the elder brother became angry and refused to go in.

Three Reflections on the Parable of the Prodigal Son

“The parable of the prodigal son is alive and well in my own family.  My two sons are very different and have always been very competitive.  Today they met again for the first time in two years, and I was very concerned about the outcome.  Driving to lunch with them, I kept thinking about this passage – God's unconditional love and my gratitude for both of them.  I was so focused on the potential negative outcome, I almost forgot to enjoy the time with them.  They were both sensitive, caring, and concerned during our time together.  I do not know what might happen next, how or if they can build a loving relationship.  I do know that I can trust that God will help me – and them – to understand what that relationship might look like.”

“As an older sibling, many times it seemed that my sister was favored and given the chance to do many things earlier than I was able to do them.  There was resentment, yet always with love.  Over the years the love has taken precedence over the resentment.  How grateful I am that our relationship has endured and that we are now such good friends.”

“How very often we have to choose between resentment and gratitude.  Do we choose to stand outside and hold our grudges, nurse our resentments and have a perverse satisfaction with the faults of others?  Or do we feel the pain of our hurts and then act to leave our resentments behind so that we can experience the joy that gratitude can bring.”

Prayer:  Oh Lord, help us to move past our resentments and to be able to give thanks in all circumstances.  Amen.

Tuesday 9am Bible Study Group

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