Sunday, March 22, 2015

Fifth Sunday March 22

Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words.
Romans 8:26

I’m busy – sometimes too busy. Aren’t we all?

Somewhere in that busy-ness I was rushing around “working for God” but forgetting to be with God, and my prayers had become rote.

At Rejoicing Spirits services we always sign and sing the Lord’s Prayer, following the direction of an interpreter. A verse is sung and signed, and then we repeat it. Scott is a man from a group home with limited verbal skills, but I could tell one Sunday that he was interested in, yet struggling with, what was going on.

I asked him if he would like me to help him with the movements and he acknowledged “yes.” So I stood behind him, reached over to take his hands, and we went through the movements together. I was forever changed. It was one of the most incredible spiritual experiences I have ever had.

On that evening, I shared a very intimate moment with Scott, and with God, as we slowly and meaningfully prayed.

Scott gave me the gift of intention. He reminded me of the importance of being connected to another, and of staying connected to God. This gift of intention grounds me and calls me to be present in the moment.

Thank you, God, for putting people like Scott in my life to remind me that the words are not nearly as important as the intent. Help me stay connected to you always, so the Spirit can intercede.

Rev. Joanne Blair

The Spirit helps us

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